PTFE coated glass fabrics (without adhesive) are also available">



Brown, PTFE impregnated fiberglass cloth, consisting of warp and fill yarns, and coated with a high temperature silicone adhesive. Excellent electrical, mechanical and chemical properties. Used as a primary insulation in a variety of electrical equipment and heat sealing bars, chute liners, gaskets, bearing surfaces, tabletop covers, guide rails and roll covers. Low friction surface; abrasion resistant. Product comes standard with liner. Self-wound is optional at no additional cost.
PTFE coated glass fabrics (without adhesive) are also available


Brown, PTFE impregnated fiberglass cloth, consisting of warp and fill yarns, and coated with a high temperature silicone adhesive. Excellent electrical, mechanical and chemical properties. Used as a primary insulation in a variety of electrical equipment and heat sealing bars, chute liners, gaskets, bearing surfaces, tabletop covers, guide rails and roll covers. Low friction surface; abrasion resistant. Product comes standard with liner. Self-wound is optional at no additional cost.

PTFE coated glass fabrics (without adhesive) are also available



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特氟隆理念:誠信 和諧 創(chuàng)新 發(fā)展

特氟隆品質(zhì)方針:誠實(shí)守信 不斷創(chuàng)新

特氟隆服務(wù)精神:便捷 務(wù)實(shí) 迅速








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